Black Jack 21 November 7, 1989 This is my first attempt at writing OS/2 PM. As you have seen (or will see), it never quite got completed. The game is still playable, pretty much fun and I don't know when I can get around to finishing it. First of all, there are always 3 human players named Mike, Joel and Tim - you may know the last names as NPB. We wrote some Norton like utilities for OS/2 a while back. HFrom there on out the game is fairly simple. It plays (as best as I can remember) Atlantic City rules BlackJack. At the start of each round, each player must bet. During the first round you can go into the menus and change to Autobet. All this really does is to bet $5 for each player automatically every round. This saves three clicks on the mouse and is good for speed playing - ie practice. Sorry about BuGs, but like I said, it's unfinished and free. Mike Partain of NPB MicroSystems Noonan (Tim) Partain (Mike, me) Brown (Joel) aka MJ MicroSystems (Mike & Joel) aka BP Data Systems (Brown & Partain) aka BP Midi System (Brown & Partain again)